Thursday, August 13, 2009


¿Han leído "Catcher in the rye"? Me encanta.

Les dejo aqui un reportaje del NY Times que me encontré por ahí.

Es sobre un autor que quiere hacer la "secuela" de Catcher in the Rye. Es decir, qué le pasa al personaje Holden Caufield después que termina el libro.

Lo que nos lleva a creer que Holden va a dejar de ser un adolescente y éste señor (J.D. California) nos va a inventar su vida adulta.

¿Nos interesa saber qué le pasó a Holden? A mi no. A mi me gusta que se quede en mi memoria como el adolescente pubescente atormentado que es.

No sé a los demás. Pero evidentemente está siendo demandado.

Les dejo que lean.

Holden, Young and Old

Published: June 18, 2009

At the end of most novels, the future lies deliciously implicit. We do not know what will become of Holden Caulfield, the hero of J. D. Salinger’s “The Catcher in the Rye,” nor are we supposed to. Whether another author — in this case, a Swedish writer named Fredrik Colting — can legally pick up Caulfield’s tale 60 years down the road is being disputed in a federal courtroom in Manhattan, which was also the city of Caulfield’s fictional day off. A temporary restraining order preventing publication of Mr. Colting’s book is in place while Judge Deborah A. Batts prepares her written decision.
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Times Topics: J. D. Salinger

Mr. Salinger’s lawyers have argued that Mr. Colting’s work is derivative, an attempt to exploit the enormous popularity of the 1951 novel. Mr. Colting’s lawyers argue that his book, “60 Years Later: Coming Through the Rye,” falls within the fair use provisions of copyright law. Readers will want to consider a different question. Do we really want to see that brash, rebellious and confused young man grow up? It is outlandish to imagine Salinger taking Caulfield into AARP territory. It is even less tempting to imagine Mr. Colting — whose clearly derivative nom de plume is J. D. California — doing so.

Some adolescents, like Holden Caulfield and Huck Finn, were born to remain adolescent. But these two characters live, as it were, in separate legal kingdoms. Because Huck Finn lives in the public domain, outside of copyright, anyone can write another chapter in his life without penalty. What keeps Huck eternally young is, in a sense, the force of his personality and the strength of his author’s imagination.

Because copyright extends during the author’s lifetime, plus 70 years, the character of Holden Caulfield does not belong to the public domain. We have no doubt that no matter what the judge rules Caulfield, like Huck, will remain forever young, simply because that is how his author imagined him. In almost every battle between the original and the derivative, in copyright or public domain, it is the original that retains our affection.


  1. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Es de mis libros favoritos! Y lo del a vida adulta, bueno... sin comentarios.


  2. Creo que el peor problema del pobre Mr. Colting no va a ser la demanda, sino la total apatía por leer lo que sigue en la vida de Holden Caufield. A nadie le interesa verlo crecer. Es como intentar hacer una novela sobre la difícil vida de casada de Cenicienta y su lucha por ser profesionista y madre a la vez.

  3. no mames que cagado lo de la cenicienta y su vida de profesionista y madre, no pude parar de reir. jajaj.
    comida el miercoles?
